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naked exhibition for students


Junior Member
Jan 25, 2015
Reaction score
My name is Chris Forrest, I am aged 23 and live in London, England.

I left college seven years ago and have had four jobs since then. I seem to be really unlucky as I have been laid off from three jobs and left of my own choice just once. I left my final job four months ago, the company was cutting back again due to the recession, and I have been unable to even get an interview of any kind since. I always seem to be the unlucky one who is made redundant. Money is so tight now. I have never been able to save money, I enjoy a good night out and also enjoy quite a few beers with my mates. Now I can’t do any of this. I am totally skint.

I was therefore more than a little bit interested when I saw an advertisement on a website recently for an opportunity at a college which is maybe only twenty minutes walk from my house. The details were a little bit vague, but the web site stated,

“Northend College require a volunteer for a one-off opportunity for two mornings of work – a maximum of six hours in total - in connection with the college’s studies. The applicant should be an open-minded athletic male, reasonable fit and healthy, and aged between 23 and 30 years old. No qualifications necessary. Lunch /refreshments provided. A tax-free payment of three hundred pounds per day for expenses will be available to the successful applicant. Telephone 0208 446 8383. Ask for Mrs Bradley”

I couldn’t believe my luck, the vacancy had seemingly been posted on line at 10am, only twenty minutes previously, so I grabbed my phone and quickly called the number, eager to get myself some spare cash.

“Good morning, can I speak to Mrs Bradley please?” I enquired.

“Certainly. What is it regarding please?” I was asked.

“It is regarding the advertisement on the website for short-term work,” I explained.

“Oh, wow. That was quick, we have only just placed that advertisement. Can you please just give me your name and I will put you straight through,” she said.

“My name is Chris Forrest. I am hoping that it might be my lucky day and I am able to get an interview. Good timing perhaps then. Thank you,” I answered.

The phone rang again and another lady’s voice spoke.
“June Bradley speaking. How many I help you, Mr Forrest?”.

“Oh, hello. I am calling about the vacancy for short-term work which you are advertising,” I replied in my most courteous sounding voice.

“I didn’t expect any replies so quickly. That’s great. If I can just ask you a few questions, we can see whether you would be suitable for an interview,” continued Mrs Bradley.

I was asked my age, height (6’2”), approximate weight (12 Stone – 168 pounds), sexuality (strictly heterosexual), any sporting activities that I took part in (gym, swimming, soccer), hobbies (Music, reading, cars. I didn’t declare girls!), my home address and the days that I would be available to attend. She explained that the work would take place during morning weekday college hours, break for lunch and possibly extend into the early afternoon. She seemed particularly interested when I explained that I was between jobs and would be available any time and at short notice.

In view of my local address, she agreed to give me an interview later that afternoon, and said that she would explain the exact nature of the work at that time. I was to call at the college reception and wait for her at 3pm.

I shaved, showered and put on my best suit and walked (to save the bus fare) to the college ensuring that I had plenty of time. I arrived with ten minutes to spare, introduced myself to the receptionist and sat down and waited for Mrs Bradley, as instructed.

At ten past three, she finally appeared. She was maybe two or three years older than me, that’s all, a very attractive slim blonde lady, wearing a fairly tight fitting white tank-top and black trousers. She introduced herself and asked me to follow her.

I did as I was told and soon found myself alone with her in a small side office.

“Okay Mr Forrest. Thank you very much for your speedy response to our advertisement and for the interest which you have shown in this opening. I am sure that you would like to hear a few more details about what will be involved?,” she asked.

“Yes please, but obviously I am prepared to do almost anything,” I stated, trying to sell myself.

“Well that’s good. May I call you Chris? You see, I work as head of sciences here at Northend College and we would like to perform some studies and tests on you. It is important that we have a healthy specimen to base our studies on, you are at the lower end of our age requirements –which is good - and you also look to be in particularly good health, another plus factor. I can tell that you are a regular visitor to the gym,” she stated, praising me.

“I don’t have any problem with any tests, as long as they won’t hurt me!”, I replied.

“Well that’s good. The modern teaching techniques have continued to adapt and change over the years and with your help we can continue that development. The techniques we will use are harmless, they certainly will not be painful at all but will tell us –and you of course - a lot about how your body works and how a trim, healthy young male body functions. The only downside for you is that there may be a little nudity involved. Is that going to be a problem? “ she inquired.

“No, I am not a prude. That will be fine”, I replied, thinking purely of the money and not really believing the words that I was saying. But I also thought to myself, if she is going to give me six hundred quid, she can look at my cock for as long as she wants!

I was proud of my body. Until I could not afford my gym membership recently, I visited it virtually every day and have a decent six pack and strong arm muscles, so yeah it will be just fine.

“Okay then Chris. I will inform Tanya on reception that I won’t be conducting any further interviews and that the vacancy is filled. Congratulations! I am formally offering you the position. Oh, and if all goes well with these two sessions, we may decide to repeat it again shortly, if college funding permits it. Here is a copy of the agreement. Can you please just sign it for me?,” she said, smiling and pushing the paper towards me.

Excited at my good luck, I signed it without really reading the details and gave it her back.

“Excellent, Chris. When would you like to come in for the first day’s appointment?,” she asked.

“I am available anytime Mrs Bradley, so whenever suits you,” I helpfully replied.

“Well, today is Tuesday. How about Thursday, that would be good for us, as all the team are in college that day ?” she enquired.

“Thursday it is then. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to helping you,” I said, when actually I was just really looking forward to six hundred pounds.

She gave me a copy of the agreement to take away, a few other small details and informed me that I should arrive for 9am. She then asked me to stand against the plain white wall behind me so that she could take a photo ID for security and entrance to the college. She took two or three photos of me and explained that I may be challenged by a security guard, so the ID was a requirement. With that done, we shook hands again and as we left she promised to mail a copy of the agreement to my home.

I felt top of the world. It was only a little extra cash but it would help.

Thursday duly arrived and I actually looking forward to the day. The contract which I had signed arrived in the post early that morning and I opened it, checked that the agreed fee of £600 was mentioned, which it was, and didn’t bother to read any more of the two page letter. I have never really been one for small print! Some spare cash AND I get to parade naked in front of a hot chick. Cool ! I wasn’t sure what I should wear, as that hadn’t been mentioned but anxious to impress, as always, I wore a smart short-sleeved shirt and a pair of my smartest black pants.

I arrived bang on time at 9.00am and went to see “Tanya” the receptionist. It was a hot day, and as I had walked, I was parched. I asked if it was possible to have a drink and she ushered me over to a water machine, where there was some orange cordial and some plastic glasses. I drink almost a pint of juice, and downed it in maybe two gulps. Boy it tasted good. She gave me my ID badge, which I attached to my shirt, and told me to walk down the corridor, take the third turning left and walk down to the fifth door on the right. I should just go straight in.

I started off down the corridor and followed Tanya’s instructions. I found the fifth door on the right which was just marked “SCIENCES” in big letters. I opened the door and was met by a class of maybe twenty students, both male and female, all who appeared to be aged around eighteen. They all ignored me completely.

I was just about to turn around when Mrs Bradley appeared behind me.
“Ah good, nice and punctual, that’s what we like. Come in Chris. Good morning students, welcome to today’s special class. I have not informed you so far that anything different is happening today, but we have got a life model with us today to help us in our biology studies. Meet Chris everyone. Chris is going to be our guinea pig, metaphorically speaking, of course, and he has very kindly offered to assist us today”, she stated.

There were sniggers and hushed conversations between the students and suddenly, I became the centre of everyone’s attention. I had twenty pairs of eyes weighing me up. The girls looking me up and down, and the boys staring at me, maybe semi-threateningly.

Mrs Bradley took the roll-call, with me just stood idly and clumsily at the front of the class, and then she declared everyone to be present in Class 6C. One of the names caught my attention as they were being read out - Elaine Robinson.

As she replied, “Here miss”, I instantly recognised her as a girl who lives seven or eight houses further down my street. She had always been an unfriendly, cheeky girl as a kid, and I had taken an instant dislike to her years ago, which I still felt for no particular reason. I guess the feeling was mutual though too.

“So what we are going to do today, guys and girls, is something totally different. Instead of the usual graphics, drawings and photographs, we are going to get a real life look at the male anatomy, thanks to Chris here who has volunteered. It is a new venture for us and will also be the first time that Chris has undertaken anything like this. We will be testing Chris’s heart rate, blood pressure, check how doing degrees of exercise effects his body and will will also perform a few other tests too. It should be both interesting and informative for you all, we think. We have got quite a full day, so shall we start by asking Chris to take off his shirt ?,” she continued.

The sniggers got louder from the girls and there were loud wolf whistles.

I leaned over to Mrs Bradley and quietly whispered in her ear, “I thought that I would just be required to get naked in front of you. I am not going to have to strip in front of these students, am I ?”

“Yes Chris, it was outlined clearly on the form that you signed. Don’t you recall? You did read the agreement didn’t you,” she replied abruptly and loud enough for the students to hear, and to embarrass me. I lied, nodding, just as she was turning away, apparently uninterested in any reply that I may have to make anyway.

Mrs Bradley then turned to the whole class and said,
“Listen everybody, Chris has agreed to help us today and is going to need your help by you not being childish. You can cut out all this sniggering. There is no better way to learn about the human body than by seeing an actual healthy male specimen in the flesh, so to speak, so please do refrain immediately from the jokes and chattering and I want to see absolutely no phones. Do you hear me? Now Chris will you please take off your shirt ? There is a chair and also a coat stand behind you, where you can put it”

Reluctantly, and with the class now deathly silent, I began to unbutton my shirt, concentrating on the £600 which I needed so badly. It seemed to take forever to me, but eventually I was stood there topless in front of them. The girls – and Mrs Bradley – also seemed to take a close interest in my hairy chest. I had been a very hairy guy since the age of fifteen, much hairier than my then school colleagues.

“Good, sit down please Chris. Okay, Jennifer, Paul, will you come up here to the front please. I am going to show you how to record Chris’s blood pressure,” said Mrs Bradley.

I was instructed to sit down and then sat there silently as she explained the workings of the human blood supply, the reasons and symptoms for Hypotension (low blood pressure) and Hypertension (high blood pressure) and all about the equipment used and what happens when a person’s blood pressure is tested. All I could remember her saying was, “this records the amount of pressure which the heart requires to pump blood around the body.”

Jennifer was shown how to put the blood pressure cuff on my upper arm, apparently ensuring that the arrow lined up with my brachial artery. I was learning as well, I didn’t even know that I had a brachial artery! Mrs Bradley showed Jennifer and Paul how to feel for my brachial pulse. She placed a stethoscope on my arm, and then came out with words such as systolic and diastolic, which meant nothing to me, even after she had explained. She then told the class that my blood pressure was just below the ideal reading of 140/90 and that I seemed perfectly healthy.

Mrs Bradley then handed the stethoscope to another girl in the class, Paula, and told her to listen for my heartbeat.

“Paula will place the diaphragm of the stethoscope against Chris’s chest and listen for his heartbeat. Did you know that the heart beats 115,000 times every day Paula ? You will need to listen at five anatomical points, the Aortic area, which is just to the right of the sternum and the Pulmonic area, to the left of the sternum and both half an inch above the nipple line,”, she said, approaching me and pointing to and touching the appropriate areas on my chest.”

“Also, the Erbs Point, which is just an inch lower, the Tricuspid Point, which is an inch lower still, and the Apex or Mitral area, which is an inch lower still. I would like each of you to come up and stand here now please and in turns, listen for Chris’s heartbeat in these five specific areas please,” she instructed.

So I stood there with the twenty teenagers staring at me, as one by one, they each prodded me with a stethoscope. One or two of the girls mischievously placing the diaphragm low down near the waistband of my pants.

One girl said, “Miss, Chris has a very hairy chest. Is that normal ?” as several people smirked and laughed.

“Yes Cheryl, Chris has got a very hairy chest, I must agree” she said ruffling my chest hair for effect at the same time.

“Some men are very hairy and others can have almost no body, chest or facial hair at all. Some men can be hairy in certain parts of their bodies and not others. I will go through the reasons for hair growth in men later, Cheryl,” she answered.

“Miss, he has got a lot of facial stubble too. Does that mean that he will have hairy legs too ?,” persisted Cheryl. I hadn't shaved since before Tuesday's interview.

Rather than telling her to shut up, June Bradley did no more than roll up my trouser legs to just below my knees and left them there.

“Yes, Cheryl, as you can see, Chris has extensive leg hair too. Probably hairier than normal, and he will certainly be a lot more hairy in most if not all parts of his body than the boys in the class today, who's bodies are still developing. As I said, I did intend to cover that later, but seeing as you are all stood here, let’s do it next, as soon as everyone has listened to Chris’s heartbeat. Chris, after Zack and Mike have finished with the stethoscope, can you remove your trousers please ?,” she asked nonchalantly, like she had asked me to pass her the salt.

Knowing that this was a no-win situation, I waited for the final student to press the stethoscope against my chest and then duly slid my belt off, unbuttoned my pants and stepped out of firstly my left leg, then my right leg. I hung up my pants on the back of the chair and returned to the middle of the group of closely watching teenagers, including my neighbour Elaine. I could see the outline of my own penis clearly through my briefs and no doubting that everyone else could as well. Giggling and laughing duly developed as I disrobed and this was followed by another rebuke from the teacher.

“Take your socks off too, please Chris, I think it looks so silly when a man has just his socks on, don’t you?” said Mrs Bradley, to more sniggering. I turned once more, aware that many sets of eyes would be closely watching my butt cheeks in my tightly fitting white briefs, placed my socks with my other clothes and returned to face my ever increasing humiliation.

“Okay, so where were we? Ah yes, body hair. As you can now see, Chris has extensive chest hair running right down to his navel, quite substantial hair running from underneath his navel to his pubic area and he also has very hairy legs and feet,. Lift your arms up Chris and flex your arm muscles. Then when I tell you, place your hands on your head please and keep them there", she instructed. I did as requested.

“Notice everyone how very well developed Chris’s arm muscles are. His biceps are particularly impressive indeed. He is a very strong young man and frequents the gym often, which explains his magnificent strong physique” she commented as she used both her hands to feel each of my flexed arms.

“ Back to your desks everyone. Chris, maybe you would then walk up and down all three aisles slowly please, so that the students can get a closer look at your body muscles and body hair. Please keep your hands held up behind your head as you do so, so that the students can also see your armpit hair and biceps. If anyone wants to feel Chris’s arm or leg muscles, just tap him on the arm or back, and he will stop for you and flex his muscles. Go ahead then Chris please,” she requested.

And so I walked up and down the aisles slowly and maybe fifteen people, including six boys stopped me and pushed down and felt my arm and leg muscles. I am proud of my body so had no real problem at all with this. A couple of the girls also ran their hands over my hairy legs, grabbing my buttocks through my briefs, and I automatically flexed those muscles too. Mrs Bradley never instructed the girls not to touch my legs. My ordeal over, I was summoned back to the front of the classroom and assumed my position facing the students.

“His armpits are hairy, and as you can perhaps see he is quite sweaty there too. This is quite a stressful situation for Chris, and the body reacts to stress by producing sweat like this. It is quite normal.

“As children, boys can even then possess a little fine wispy chest hair. This is known as vellus hair but Chris’s hair, here, is known as terminal or androgenic hair and only develops once a boy reaches puberty, which is normally between the ages of twelve and eighteen. When did you first develop your extensive body hair, Chris? Enquired Ms Bradley.

“Err, when I was fifteen,” I sheepishly replied.

“There you go, that’s just about right for a teenage boy to reach puberty. Puberty brings a rise in the level of androgens or hormones – primarily testosterone - and these cause hair growth on the face, on the chest, in the pubic and anal area, on the abdomen and on a man’s legs. Between the ages of twenty and thirty, a man’s hair growth can still continue, so Chris could be even hairier than this in five years time! He doesn’t have what is known as hypertrichosis, though. This is a condition where excessive hair grows all over a man’s body, giving him the appearance of an ape. Chris is just nicely hairy,” she stated, laughing slightly.

She had touched my body in each area, sometimes with a small stick and sometimes with her hands, as she had mentioned the various parts.

“Okay, so that covers body hair. Are there any questions ?,” she said.

“Miss, doesn’t puberty cause other changes in a boy’s body?” asked Elaine looking directly at me, to yet more smirks.

“Yes, it does Elaine. Thank you for asking, I should have taken a little more time over this subject. Well, Chris, in order to demonstrate this, I suppose that I am going to have to ask you to remove your briefs please, so can you just pop them over on the chair with your other clothes as well ?,” she said in a voice that suggested she was my best friend.

So, with the room in a deathly silence, the sound of my bare feet slapping against the floor as I walked was the only sound audible in the room. I slipped my fingers into the top of my briefs, lowered them, and returned totally naked to stand in front of these twenty teenagers who were only six or so years younger than myself. Loud individual laughs were evident almost as soon as they started.

No guess where everyone’s eyes were focused.

“Right, well, turn around Chris,” she asked, putting her hands against my lower back and ass, continuing, “and could you please stand up on this box for me, so that everyone can get a good view of everything please?” she requested but ordered at the same time. I followed orders once again and climbed up onto a wooden box that was maybe two feet high so that I towered above the seated students.

“As you can see, hair is again extensive on Chris’s backside, and no doubt on his anal area also. You may notice how very firm and well developed his leg muscles and buttock muscles are too. Flex for us again please, Chris", she stated. There was a silent and pregnant pause for what seemed like an eternity as the class took in my latest show of muscles. I felt my buttock muscles tensing and was sure that was where the many sets of eyes would have been focused.

"As I said, Chris visits a gym frequently and his muscle tone in his buttocks and, in fact, all over his body is very impressive, he has very little excess body fat. As I turn Chris back round, you can see that his pubic hair has been severely trimmed, but it obviously was originally again extensive,” she said as she ruffled my pubic region and tried in vain to show the length of my short pubic hair. I wasn’t really prepared for what came next, as she grabbed hold of my balls and cock.

“So, back to puberty, there is what is called the Tanner Stages of development. Five stages in all. Stage one, under the age of twelve, there is no significant physical change in a boy’s body. After the age of twelve – or as we now know at fifteen in Chris’s case, Stage two would happen, his scrotum sack here would begin to thin and redden and his testicles will have started to develop in size. His pubic hair would begin to grow at the base of his penis, “ she stated as she touched my ball sack and cock again at the relevant parts in her conversation to demonstrate the points.

Still holding my cock, she continued,
“Stage three will bring a substantial increase in a boy’s height, Chris here is 6’ 2” tall, his voice would begin to break and get deeper, the arm and leg muscles will begin to develop, pubic hair will get thicker and curlier, growing up towards his navel and of course a boy’s penis will grow and lengthen. His testicles will also continue to grow substantially and will begin to dangle down low, as Chris's do now.”

She held my penis by the foreskin pulling it upwards and cupped by testicles with her other hand for effect as she stated the latter facts.

“Stage four usually comes around age fourteen, with continued penis and testicle growth, the scrotum will appear darker, the pubic hair will continue to develop and underarm hair will appear for the first time. A boy’s voice will become permanently deeper also. A downside to puberty is that boys can develop acne. Did you suffer from acne, Chris?,” the teacher inquired.

I felt like a young schoolboy again, and unable to fully comprehend that I was stood there naked in front of twenty one other people, with a teacher holding my dick and asking me whether I suffered from acne!

“A little bit, yeah, but not too bad,” I quietly replied.

“Well, Chris was at stage four at that point. He would have reached stage five a little later, it is usually around aged fifteen, but later in Chris’s case, and a boy’s genitals will now look like those of a full grown adult – like Chris's penis here. Pubic hair now spreads to the inner thigh. Chris, can you part your legs just a little please so that we can see the hair on your inner thigh,” she said, duly rubbing her hands against the hair on my inner thigh and brushing my testicles so that they swayed about a little in the process. I was feeling distinctly uncomfortable now.

“Usually, facial hair starts to grow around this time and by about age sixteen, a boy reaches full growth, although muscles may continue to grow and it is not until age eighteen that a boy reaches and appears to be of full adult maturity. I will give you all full course notes in this later, but you can surely see from Chris’s appearance, the difference between a tanner stage one boy and a fully grown adult, like Chris” she said.

“I can see one big difference,” said one familiar voice from the back accompanied by shrieks of laughter.

“Okay, please settle down, class. Are there any more questions?,” she continued.

“Yes, miss, how big should a penis be for someone of Chris’s age? By the way Chris, you live near me, don’t you, I recognized you when you came in, but I will recognize a lot more of you now!” said Elaine again as her classmates shrieked with laughter at her “wit”.

I was beginning to really hate her and her cheek more and more. As the class burst into loud laughter again I instinctively put my hands over my cock. The teacher demanded silence again, and a little respect, explaining that this was a big ordeal for me and that they should be extremely grateful for the fact that I was prepared to be their life model.

“Well, if you are a neighbour of his, Elaine, that is very unfortunate indeed for Chris and I really must insist that you show him the utmost respect but we really have to continue with the demonstration also so Chris can you please just move your hands away from your genitals again”? she said as she also smacked the back of my hand gently to emphasize that this was not really a request. Like a small child, my hands immediately shot away and I put them behind my back.

“I would say that Chris is a well endowed young man. Would you mind if we took a measurement of your penis please Chris? It would be useful information in the study?,” she asked, already knowing that again I could not say no, without looking even more stupid in front of the whole student group.

I nodded my head reluctantly and silently.

June Bradley went over to her desk and produced a tape measure. She explained to the class the correct way to measure a penis – along the top – and then announced to all the students that I possessed a flaccid penis which is five and a quarter inches long.

“Chris is quite a big boy, actually. Some men do not have erections which are that big, so I would say that Chris is on the big side here. The average male possesses an erect penis of between 5.1 and 5.9 inches in length, ” she said to lots of laughs and shouts of “I’m bigger than him, miss”.

“His penis is quite heavy and his girth is quite large. Do you all know what girth is ? It is the total number of inches all the way around Chris’s penis,” she stated as she began measuring my penis girth.

“See, his penis is six inches in girth, so he does have an above-average flaccid penis. Come up closer again everyone and take a look so that you know what I am talking about,” she stated as she held the tape measure around my cock.

So one by one, all the students filed past to look specifically at my cock and it's measurements as the teacher continued to manhandle my member, re-measuring my cock length and girth several times as they went past.

“Miss, Chris has a long foreskin too. Is that normal?” asked Elaine – yet again.

“Yes, Elaine. It is perfectly normal for men to have foreskins in adulthood. The foreskin is a double-layered fold of muscle tissue, blood vessels, neurons, mucous membrane and skin which protects the glans. Class can you all please gather round closely again and watch this? Chris, could you please just roll back your foreskin now to show us your glans ? she asked.

I dutifully did as requested feeling even more exposed if that were possible, with the students stood directly in front of me – as I slowly rolled it back, my foreskin being fairly tight.

“Ah, did you notice that class? Chris had a little trouble rolling back his foreskin as he suffers from tightness. The correct term for the condition which describes a man’s inability to retract his foreskin is Phimosis. This can also cause painful erections. If you cannot retract your foreskin, you cannot clean it properly either, so it can cause a buildup of smegma, which can become infected and the penis becomes smelly. Trying to retract the foreskin painfully, like Chris, can also case cracks to appear on the inside of the foreskin, which can cause nasty scars as they heal. Therefore the solution is normally a circumcision, where doctors either remove the foreskin, partially or completely, although there is now also a procedure called a preputioplasty which can relieve a tight foreskin without resorting to circumcision. I am no Doctor Chris, but maybe you do want to go and see one ? You do appear to have a problem there,” she said.

“Err, no it’s okay, it has been like this for years but once I get it to roll back, it’s fine,” I said with my glans now fully on view and my foreskin tightly rolled back.

“Well okay, it is your penis! We will you just roll your foreskin back and forth a few times now to demonstrate the tightness clearly to the class,” she said as she grabbed hold of it once again, as if to say “but it’s mine for now!”. She uttered words such as "Up", "Down" and "Very Tight" as she did so.

The teacher then proceeded to in effect, give me a slow wank as she rolled my skin up and down to the audience's mirth.

"Miss, is Chris's penis smelly then?," said Elaine boldly, looking me straight in the eye as she said it and loving her classmates loud response of laughter.

The teacher did no more than kneel down and smell closely around my penis, as laughter erupted. On getting back up she declared, "No Elaine, I can confirm that Chris's personal hygiene is very good. He does not have a smelly penis at all, unlike some of the boys in here I am sure!" which brought more sniggers and laughter.

“Now students, you can see Chris’s Glans - which, yes I know a lot of you will know better as the bell-end or mushroom head (yet more laughter and sniggering) and here is Chris’s Glans and the slit at the top, through which urine and semen travel, it is known as the meatus. The meatus is the opening to the urethral passage, along which the urine and semen pass. Chris’s meatus is quite large.

“Chris’s testicles are interesting too, as they hang very low indeed in his scrotum. A boy’s testicles drop after puberty and Chris’s look like they have dropped lower than most!,” she said, laughing along with the rest of the class at the end of her “witty” remark.

“They are of a large size, which would suggest a healthy production of semen and are quite weighty too.

Also notice everyone that Chris’s left testicle dangles much lower than his right one. This is normal and many men have one which is lower than the other.

“If you roll them gently in your fingers you can clearly feel the individual testicles. Could I have two volunteers to check Chris’s testicles for me please,” she said.

I wasn’t ready for that one. I didn’t see it coming, and I should have known that five of the girls would suddenly become very eager to assist.

“Oh, okay then there are five volunteers, but I think that maybe all the class should come up here and check them, boys too please. This is a one-off opportunity for you so please form a line and everyone put on a pair of surgical gloves and gently hold Chris’s scrotum very carefully in your hand. Then just roll each testicle to feel the size of it.

"If you also want to pull his foreskin all the way back and then roll it back in place as well, like I was doing, you will then be able to closely witness the tightness that I mentioned first hand. Elaine, seeing as you are asking all the questions, why don’t you go first but for god sake treat it gently like you were holding a puppy or something?,” she said.

I don‘t know whether Mrs Bradley was trying to embarrass me even more by picking Elaine first, or trying to help me by getting the troublemaker out of the way first.

Elaine did go first, and she obviously didn’t understand the meaning of the word gentle, not that Ms Bradley stepped in to protest at any point. She held my balls tightly in her hand, weighed them up and down, staring directly at me with a smirk, then she grabbed hold of the loose skin at the top and said, “Look miss, they really swing about don’t they,” as she pulled them down tight dragging my balls away from my body. She also leaned in close to my cock and emulated Mrs Bradley in closely smelling it. Presumably in another effort to exert maximum embarrassment.

"It does smell a bit funny to me Miss", she offered.

“Can you feel his individual testicles, Elaine?” she said as she allowed Elaine’s probing to continue.

“Yes, miss. He really seems to have big balls alright, you wouldn’t have thought so, when he walks past my house fully clothed and I would never have thought I would be doing this to him, touching his balls and cock in front of the whole class! ” she said, with the whole class screaming laughing out loud again.

Just as the noise was at it’s loudest, the door flung open and a voice said, “What’s all this noise. What is going on Ms Bradley?”, before noticing me and transferring her attentions to my genitals and the teenage girl hanging off them.

Apparently, it was Mrs Lloyd, the headmistress. She was the person who had sanctioned the payments for today’s new venture involving myself, and Ms Bradley explained,
“Hello Mrs Lloyd, I am sorry for all the joviality. Could I please introduce you to Chris Forrest, who has volunteered to be our life model today”, she explained.

“Ah, hello young man,” she said stretching out her hand to offer a welcome to this naked twenty three year old in front of her, like it was completely normal. I shook her hand as Elaine still played with my nuts, swinging them about from side to side and pulling my foreskin up and down enthusiastically without anyone being even remotely interested in telling her to stop doing this.

“How is it all going, June. Has it been as educational as we thought?, inquired Mrs Lloyd, as she looked me up and down again.

Just at the point when the entire audience were staring at me, Elaine shot my foreskin back roughly and then yanked it forward, pulling my foreskin tight way past where it normally lived, which also lifted my penis high up towards my navel. I winced in slight pain and shock as she used two hands to stretch my foreskin. Why on earth didn't Ms Bradley stop her ?

“Oh, yes, even more so, I would say. We have had so much practical experience today. It has been invaluable. We are just getting started really, Elaine is the first of the pupils to carry out a practical examination of Chris’s penis and testicles,” she explained.

“That’s good news June. I think that maybe I will just sit in and observe for a little while, if that is alright with you. Mr Forrest here is a very handsome and muscular young man, isn’t he. He is an ideal specimen for the project, just as you told me,” she declared, at the same time, waving for another lady to come in, who was also stood at the open doorway.

“Come in, Mrs Collins. I think it will be beneficial for you to witness today’s new developments. Meet Mr Forrest," she continued.

And so I shook hands with another complete stranger who was old enough to be my Mother, as I stood there naked, now practically being jerked off by Elaine who continued to tug and pull over-zealously again.

"We will just sit here quietly and observe. Just pretend that we are not here,” she said, as both women sat down at the front, maybe five foot away from my penis. Just great, the day gets better. Keep thinking of the £600 Chris.

“Okay class, let’s continue. Next girl come up please. Check the weight of Chris’s scrotum, gently roll his testicles in your fingers and try to retract his tight foreskin. I think it would be beneficial if all the girls came forward first to check Chris’s testicles and penis please. Come along now girls, boys can follow later” she said, clearly in charge of the situation in front of her headmistress and trying to show additional authority and control.

The girls mostly declared themselves surprised just how heavy my bollocks were and then returned to their seats after playing with my penis and foreskin in varying degrees of shyness and boldness. Some went beetroot red and some were no stranger to a cock and obviously lapping up the chance to embarrass me, pushing their hand under my balls towards my ass hole. Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Collins also joined the queue to fondle and play with my now not so private parts. Why, I am not sure but that brought more great amusement from the students.

Mrs Bradley then insisted that the boys followed and examined my penis and testicles. After some arguing, reluctance and much sniggering, the collection of spotty youths were lined up to cup my balls, roll my testicles in their fingers and again pull my foreskin back. Most were ultra quick, in comparison to the girls, embarrassed and silent except for one lad who uttered, “He’s got a fucking massive dick Miss, and his foreskin is mega-tight,” as he tried without success to pull my tight foreskin back. Everyone burst into loud laughter including Mrs Lloyd, the headmistress.

After calming everyone down, Mrs Bradley then approached me, told me to open my mouth wide, and inserted a thermometer.

“Next, class, we will check Chris’s body temperature. I have placed one thermometer in Chris’s mouth and I will now place another one under his armpit,” she said, lifting my arm and clamping it down again to hold the thermometer in place.

“The normal body temperature of a human is around 37 degrees C, or 98.6 degrees F. This can vary based upon a person’s age, the time of day, what activities they have been doing, and also on what part of the body you take the temperature from, so today we will do a little experiment and see whether those temperatures do differ,” she explained.

June Bradley then removed the thermometer from my mouth and informed everyone that the reading was 36 degrees (96.8 F), and that this was slightly below the normal temperature, which was acceptable.

She then removed the armpit thermometer and declared that temperature also to be 36 degrees.

“Okay Chris, now those two readings were consistent, so let’s take a couple more readings. Can you please lie down, face up, on my desk here please. Sorry if it's a little uncomfortable but we don't have a medical couch,”, she asked.

I did as I was told, only to then be instructed to part my legs wide open and lift my bottom slightly.

She was going to shove a thermometer up my ass.

“Mrs Lloyd, perhaps you can assist me here please. I am going to take a rectal thermometer reading. Would you be so kind as to also insert a thermometer into Chris’s penis as well please so we also have a penile reading ? Gather around again please everybody, so that you can see what’s happening here”, she ordered.

The class assembled what felt like a matter of inches away from my totally naked and exposed body as I lay flat on a teacher’s desk at the front of a crowd of women and kids.

“And you are now all also able to see the substantial thick black hair around Chris’s anus, everyone,” she ‘helpfully’ advised her class, pointing at it and ruffling it just in case anyone was unsure where my ass hair would be. I clasped my hands over my eyes in embarrassment and kept them there for quite some time.

Mrs Lloyd didn’t need to be asked twice. She had her hand clasped (too tightly) around my penis before I knew it, and I felt all eyes on my dick as she deeply inserted the thermometer into my urethral passage. It was probably pushed two inches deep into my cock and it stung and hurt. Meanwhile, Ms Bradley was attacking my ass with a thermometer as well, watched eagerly by the smirking and giggling students, especially the female ones.

By now it was half past ten, I had been naked for a large part of that time, and now I was lying on a table with kids staring at my cock and anus. The headmistress’s grip on my dick seemed to be getting tighter and tighter, until I had to say to her, “Excuse me, that’s hurting, can you release your grip please.”

I was shot a disdainful look by Mrs Lloyd, she made the grasp even tighter and Ms Bradley, out of sight, said, “Chris, please don’t start being unhelpful now. It is going very well so far and remember that Mrs Lloyd is the person who has sanctioned your payment.”

So I lay there enduring the pain, only eventually to feel the thermometers being jointly removed.

As a note, both readings were identical to the previous two.
“Okay, stand back up please Chris,” said June Bradley.

As I did so, I -and everyone else- noticed immediately that my penis was now sticking directly out in front of me. I was almost fully erect. Minutes later I was stood in front of the group of now twenty-three people, with a bone-hard erect penis that pointed directly upto the sky.

“Well, we didn’t expect that to be part of our presentation today Chris,” she said, as everyone laughed even louder and pointed. I also noticed several of the students –especially Elaine - sneaking photos of me and my erect cock on their phones. I wondered how many more photos had been taken over the morning so far ? I had been so focused on my shame and embarrassment that I had not even noticed if people were taking photos on their phone -or even worse God forbid, videos of my ordeal. I complained to Mrs Bradley and she just instructed the students once more to put all phones away immediately, but the damage was already done, and she was obviously not overly bothered by this further intrusion and embarrassment.

“Let’s not waste an opportunity then. We already have your flaccid penis measurements, why don’t we also record your erect measurements as well as a direct comparison for the class", she said as she reached once more for her tape measure. "This is a real unexpected bonus!" she stated almost excitedly.

“Mrs Collins, would you like to assist me with this please?” she asked as the forty-something year old jumped out of her seat. Almost ran.

“As Chris’s penis is now pointing directly up, perhaps if you hold it down so that it is pointing out towards the class, I can take the measurements more accurately along the top?, she suggested.

Mrs Collins placed two fingers around my bell-end and held it firmly out towards the class. Meanwhile Ms Bradley explained to the class what causes a man’s penis to become erect.

The students were still only a matter of feet away as she declared, “Chris’s penis is eight and a half inches long. It’s girth is ….. wait a minute ….. seven inches. So Chris’s penis growth in it's erect state is still substantial, even though his flaccid penis is already over five inches. I would suggest that this is one of the bigger readings on the male penis scale, for a twenty-three year old man. Very impressive,” she concluded, as the class suddenly cheered and started clapping sarcastically.

Mrs Lloyd stood up, threw them a glance, and silence returned once more as they were told to return to their seats. Barring the phone camera clicks, that is. The students had ignored Mrs Bradley’s order. Could these women not hear them ? Now I was certain that videos were also being made of my shame as several girls blatantly just held up phones and the teachers chose to ignore the fact.

“Notice too how Chris’s erection points right up in the air and is flush with his stomach? This too is a very healthy sign for a young male. Later in life, when Chris reaches erection his penis will stick out in front of him – pointing toward the class – but his virility now makes his penis super hard and it points directly up.

"Okay Chris would you walk up and down the isles again for me please, so that the students can get a closer look at your erect penis? Please stop at each desk to make it easier for the individual students. Okay, go now please Chris," she ordered me sensing my hesitation and of course I complied for some strange reason.

"Also notice everybody how Chris's foreskin is still not fully retracted, even in this state of arousal and full erection", she continued.

I deliberately didn't stop at Elaine's desk for more than a couple of seconds but heard the camera on her phone click as she took a picture when I was at the next desk along -presumably one of many during the day - and she took another photo of my naked ass once I had gone past her desk.

Can you even imagine my embarrassment at having to stop at twenty desks and show twenty kids my erect cock, my boner just a foot or two from their face?

Just as I reached the last desk, the girl said, "Miss, can I touch it please ? I have never touched an erect cock before."

"Yes, Jenny of course you can," said Mrs Bradley without even consulting me.

"But the correct terminology is Penis - not cock," She continued.
That was her only concern ?!

And so I stood there whilst this young girl (who most certainly DID know her way around an erection) had a good feel at my boner in front of everyone. She was just a few strokes away from actually wanking me off, but no-one stopped her or cut her adventure short and I had to stand there and endure it for maybe 30-50 seconds of fondling, until she tired of trying to embarrass me further.

"Can I have a feel as well please miss?" said another girl.

"Yes, Susan you can, of course. Chris go down to Susan's desk please - in fact it would perhaps be a good idea to let everyone feel how solid your penis is now that it is erect. Can you go along all the desks again please ?" she instructed me.

I obediently followed her orders and every girl took their turn at handling my rock-solid hard on. The boys all declined the offer.

Feeling a mixture of both adrenaline and complete shame, I had amazingly still stayed totally rock-hard erect throughout my wandering up and down the aisles, but eventually this latest ordeal was over and once back again I was at the front, stood up on my box, and my boner subsided gradually - the shrinkage observed in silence by all.

“Right, next we will do a further cardiovascular check on Chris. We already recorded his heart-rate earlier. Now we are going to ask Chris to perform a few exercises and we will then check it again.

Chris, could you please do fifty press-ups for us?,” she asked.

“What, you mean naked?,” I asked.

“Yes please, here at the front facing the class” she curtly replied.

So I got down off my box and did the press-ups as requested, with my now limp again dick touching the floor each time and my heavy nuts dangling low for all to see.

“Another fifty please,” she instructed, after I had finished.

I was then handed a skipping rope and asked to skip on the spot, until she told me to stop.

Needless to say, my genitalia was swinging and bobbing all over the place throughout, and the students' and two teachers' eyes (and presumably some phones) were focused only in one place – and it wasn’t on Ms Bradley. At times, the laughter reached it's loudest point ever but all three teachers chose to ignore it now.

Meanwhile, while I skipped, Ms Bradley did a resume of the morning’s work, handed out case notes and asked the students some questions. I also noticed that I appeared to have attracted attention from elsewhere in the school. Presumably courtesy of text, and there were several pairs of eyes intently watching me and my bouncing bollocks from the corridor, through the few panes of clear glass in the doorway. I was the talk of the school it seemed.

I was finally told that I could cease exercising, and was then again attacked by two “volunteers” from amongst the students, who once again recorded my heart-rate. Unsurprisingly perhaps, it had drastically increased, although having announced the figures to the class, Ms Bradley informed us all that once again these were completely normal and healthy.

Suddenly, after exercising I had a desperate urge to piss. The orange juice had worked it’s way through and my need had become desperate. I eventually plucked up the courage to notion to Ms Bradley that I needed to speak with her, and whispered in her ear that I desperately needed to go for a toilet break.

“You must do it here, you can't wander naked around the school, can you?!” she whispered back at me, without me really knowing what she meant.

“Okay class, Chris needs to urinate, and I do actually need him to give us a urine sample today, so we can kill two birds with one stone now. I am sure that the girls will not have had the opportunity to closely witness a twenty-three year old man urinating in front of them before, so come up to the front and witness how this function of the penis works and how Chris does this. I have got a small sterile pot here that I firstly need Chris to fill for the urine test, and then he can finish off urinating into this large glass flask if you need to continue. That way, you will all get a good look.

Boys, you come up here too, I want you to see this as well.” She ordered.
So, still totally naked and instructed to stand back up on the box, I began pissing without any pee-shy problems at all. I easily filled the sterile pot and then let the piss flow into the larger flask.

“Notice, girls that Chris’s penis initially emitted two streams of urine in different directions, which eventually joined together. This is a completely natural phenomena – although it can lead to wet shoes occasionally. Also, note the fierce fast flow of urine. That is a sign of a healthy young man, also. And looking at the flask, it is a fairly light yellow color. This is good. A deep yellow colour can be bad. Notice also how Chris does not try to slide his foreskin back at all whilst urinating. He just urinates with the foreskin covering his penis totally. This could be back to his little problem with a tight troublesome foreskin, of course.” She deducted. I kept quiet.

I shook the drips off and stood there wondering what the hell could be waiting for me next.

What came next were yet more measurements. Measurements –done by the students – of my head, neck, chest, waist, feet, inside leg, leg length and circumference, arms, -biceps and length, fingers, muscles. My weight was recorded, my height was recorded. I was checked for asthma, a blood sample was taken and would be analyzed by the class later along with my piss. I was naked all the time, of course for whatever reason.
It was now 11.45 and my day, ordeal and shame was nearly over.

“Right class, seeing as we have got through everything that we had hoped with fifteen minutes still to spare before lunch, we may as well perform one last test on Chris. Let’s check his prostate gland,” she said whilst snapping on some gloves.

"Let's not", I was thinking silently.

She went on to explain the function of the prostate, where it was, how it was normally slightly larger than the size of a walnut. I shut off hearing as she went on,

“The prostatic fluid is expelled in the first ejaculate fractions, together with most of the spermatozoa. In comparison with the few spermatozoa expelled together with mainly seminal vesicular fluid, those expelled in prostatic fluid have better mobility, longer survival and better protection of the genetic material,” she said, although I got the impression the class were also not listening, just looking forward to my final indignity.

She explained to the class that in order to check the prostate, she would need to insert a finger into my anus until she was able to locate it.

I was ordered once more up onto her large desk, people gathered around me again, some directly behind me, some at the side but Mrs Lloyd and Collins remained directly in front of me, and I felt a finger enter my ass. I then felt Mrs Bradley’s finger moving around inside of me, until I felt a waggling sensation inside. My cock began to grow again.

“There it is, class, I can feel Chris’s prostate. I think one of the boys should also try this, seeing as it directly involves their body also. Carl, come here. “ she ordered.

Carl protested, but to no avail as his teacher insisted, and before long I also had the gloved fingers of a seventeen year old guy fiddling around up my ass. Again, I felt him find my prostate and felt the waggling sensation once more. I think Carl was, bizarrely, even more embarrassed than me. He was going to be ridiculed by his classmates for sticking his finger up a guy's asshole forever!

Unexpectedly, with his finger still up my ass, I then found myself screaming out in ecstasy as I emitted nine huge jets of cum all over my chest and groin and also onto Ms Bradley’s desk. The first few drops actually cleared the table to land plum down the centre of Mrs Lloyd’s green blouse. There was cum dripping all down her front. Another jet flew onto her clothing before I liberally covered myself and the desk in fierce streams of jizz. It almost looked like I had knocked over a glass of milk!

Unknown to me, I had also clamped the muscles in my ass tightly, and young Carl’s finger was still stuck up my ass. Carl was complaining frantically. Laughter started once more. The girls moved from the rear to witness my jets of spunk, and all of them seemed to immensely enjoy my intense latest embarrassment.

Ms Bradley started to collect as much as possible of my semen into a small pot, before remembering to tell me to be get down off the table and to get re-dressed even though I still had jizz smeared over my chest. Silence had returned as Mrs Lloyd wiped away at her blouse, complaining bitterly as she made her exit from the room.

As I went back to my clothing, I noticed that someone (Elaine) had stolen my underwear and socks. So, I just had to get dressed without them and pretend that nothing was wrong. As I put my shirt back on, the whole class erupted in applause, sarcastic applause, I am sure, although Ms Bradley ignored this, thanked me on behalf of the class for my invaluable input into their studies and handed me an envelope which I sincerely hoped was full of money.

Without too much of a delay, I took the envelope and disappeared quickly out of the classroom.

When I got home, I opened the envelope to find amongst the £300, a note from Ms Bradley which read,

“Dear Mr Forrest.

Please find remittance as agreed, £300, for today’s college lecture. I thank you for your co-operation and for volunteering. The students will have benefitted greatly from your involvement today, and I trust that you too may also have found some satisfaction from helping the students and learned about your own body.

I have arranged for us to repeat the session with Class 6B next Thursday, at 9am, so please be punctual. Your payment will be given directly at the conclusion of the session, as per today.

In case you are having second thoughts about participating again, please be aware that there was a camera in Class 6C, which has recorded today’s lecture in it’s entirety. I have not yet decided whether to make any of the footage available elsewhere, if you get my meaning, such as the school website. We look forward to seeing you at 9.00am next Thursday.

June Bradley."

I did go back next Thursday, and in truth only found it slightly less disturbing, despite largely knowing what was awaiting. Class was substantially larger that day, as word had obviously got around. I managed to hold off all signs of an erection this time around, but late in the day was then instructed by Mrs Bradley to “masturbate now please, in front of us,” so that the class could witness my impressive erection again and take the relevant measurements along the way. There was no Mrs Collins or Mrs Lloyd present this time though, so a female student assisted with measuring the length and girth of my erection.

Once the measuring was complete, I was once again instructed to "Masturbate please Chris. Gather around closely class so that you can witness Mr Forrest ejaculating." Ms Bradley also instructed me to lie down on her large desk with all the class in close proximity giggling and smirking, and I was to "let the ejaculate collect on your chest".
I again managed to spurt nine jets of cum, one of which landed on my forehead and caused raucous laughter all around as it began to dribble over my eyes.

Once finished, the teacher announced to the class once more that she would collect as much as my semen as possible so that it could be examined by them under a microscope This was their treat for later this afternoon apparently. She scooped most of it up, still under the gazing eye of the pupils, and even grabbed hold of my penis to wipe off a big trickling globule of cum unto her receptacle. "Oh yes, Chris has once again produced ample semen for us all to examine," she triumphantly informed the class.

Another change this time was that Ms Bradley informed me that she would need to take some hair samples from my body for analysis and proceeded to snip hair from my head, chin, chest, leg, pubic hair and also anal hair. Each was then kept in a separate receptacle and labelled according to it's point of origin.

The “strictly no phones/photos” rule had not been enforced once again - even during my masturbation ordeal - and my boxers had "disappeared" yet again as I began to get dressed with the class still just a matter of feet from me. Giggles, phone photo clicks and people pointing phones at me as they recorded videos again made my ordeal equally as humiliating as last time.

Shortly after this, I started getting envelopes with my name on posted through my letterbox. They contained anonymous printed camera photos of my naked ordeal. They continued for months, after which I reasoned that Elaine had got bored. That was until a neighbour brought around a further envelope of photographs that had been posted through their door, demanding an explanation and threatening to go to the police. I also saw my missing white briefs hung up at Elaine’s bedroom window on several occasions. What a little bitch.

Now I am regarded by many of the neighbours as “that pervert”.

I am going to read small print every time from now on. I learned the hard way.
But in some ways, I enjoyed the experience and it was a complete turn on.
I would NEVER do it again though.
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