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Jim Goes to College (Part 2)


Junior Member
Jan 25, 2015
Reaction score
"O{*Part Eight: Station Five*}

I immediately got up from the table and turned in the direction of station five. At the same time, Tom now took a few steps closer to this station.

"Hey Jim," I heard Tom say from behind me, "Don’t be in such a rush. I want to get to station five before you finish."

I didn’t answer Tom, but kept on walking toward station five. I had been dreading this station all morning and I was very apprehensive and nervous as I walked toward it. After all, I knew that I was about to receive my first public genital exam.

As I approached the station, I saw Mike still standing in line, waiting for his turn to be examined. Another young student was facing him, bent over and touching his toes. He was nude. The male doctor was examining him from behind.

"Hi, Mike," I said as I walked up behind him.

"Oh, hi, Jim," he replied.

Mike didn’t say anything else to me or make any attempt to engage in conversation. He simply looked straight ahead, watching as they completed the exam on the student in front of him. I didn’t press the issue by trying to talk with him. It was obvious that he was preoccupied with the public genital exam that he was about to receive. So I just stood there behind him and watched.

The student in front of Mike now stood up. The female assistant handed him his jockstrap which he immediately stepped into and pulled back on. As the student got ready to leave, the assistant retrieved Mike’s manila folder to prepare for his exam.

"Next," we heard the female assistant say.

Mike walked up to the station to begin his exam. He was immediately instructed to turn around and face the line of waiting students that he just left. That meant that he was now facing me. This station didn’t have an exam table; it simply had the female assistant, the male doctor and a small rolling stool. The doctor now sat down on the stool in front of Mike with his back toward me. As I watched, the assistant scanned Mike’s folder and then his wrist band. I couldn’t hear all of their conversation, but the doctor was now speaking to Mike. A few seconds later, I saw Mike hook his thumbs into the waistband of his jockstrap and pull it down to the floor in one swift motion. He then stepped out of it, shuffled his feet apart and placed the jock in the female assistant’s outstretched hand.

Mike was now facing me, totally nude, arms at his sides and standing with his feet slightly apart. He wasn’t fully hard, but he looked like he was slightly aroused. His penis was circumcised, long and thick and now on full display. He was ready. Mike’s genital exam was about to begin.

After pulling on a pair of examination gloves, the male doctor began with an examination of Mike’s penis. After a minute or so, the doctor turned his attention to Mike’s testicles, lifting, squeezing and palpating them. Throughout the examination, the female assistant was standing in front of Mike and closely watching everything. As she watched, she held his jockstrap by the waistband, intentionally avoiding the more personal areas of the jockstrap that had been holding Mike’s most intimate parts.

I was also closely watching his exam, knowing that I would be undergoing exactly the same type of public inspection in just a few short minutes. I was still slightly aroused myself, though far short of being fully hard. I was worried that watching Mike’s exam might arouse me further and I thought about looking away. But I couldn’t. Deep down I wanted to see what they were doing to Mike, if for no other reason than to know what to expect when it was my turn. And it wasn’t every day that you had the opportunity to watch another young male publically examined like this. I just couldn’t look away. I felt compelled to continue watching.

The doctor now checked Mike for a hernia, asking him to cough several times. Once he was finished with this part of the exam, the doctor stood up and walked behind Mike. I now had a completely unobstructed view of Mike’s nude body again as he faced me. The female assistant remained where she was in front of Mike. It seemed that she wanted to enjoy the show from the front rather than watch the remainder of the doctor’s exam from behind.

Mike was now given instructions on how to position himself for the next part of his exam. As I watched, he bent over and reached for the floor with both hands while keeping his legs parted. I couldn’t see what the doctor was doing, but he was obviously moving his gloved hands around Mike’s ass. I assumed (and hoped) that he was only performing an external exam of his anus and wasn’t actually penetrating him.

"Jim, you waited for me," said a voice from behind me. It was Tom announcing his arrival at station five. I was hoping that he would be delayed and I’d be able to make it through this particular station without an audience. But that was just wishful thinking on my part. This morning had been bad enough already, so why would it get any better now?

"Tom, so nice to see you again," I sarcastically replied.

"I’m glad I didn’t miss the main event," he said.

I didn’t respond to Tom. There really wasn’t a need for a response. But I did take a quick peek down at Tom’s jock and saw that he was still sporting his rock-hard snake. I also took the opportunity to look down at my own jock and confirmed that I was still plump, but not fully hard. I was certainly aroused by all of this, especially the prospect of stripping off my last piece of clothing in front of Tom and everyone else. That would occur in just a few short minutes. But as long as I could avoid getting completely hard, I’d be ok.

I turned my attention back to Mike’s exam. In less than a minute, he was instructed to stand up and the assistant handed him his jockstrap. Mike quickly pulled the strap up between his legs to cover his manhood. I knew that my turn in the spotlight was quickly approaching.

"Good luck", Mike said to me before turning and walking toward the gym entrance. It was the last time that I would see Mike that day.

"Next," said the female assistant.

The distance that I had to walk from the front of the line to the exam station was very short, but it seemed like it took an eternity, as if I was walking in slow motion. As I walked, I was thinking about the exam that I was about to receive, replaying every detail of Mike’s exam in my mind, knowing that I would go through exactly the same thing in the same sequence.

I was now at the station, facing the female assistant with my bare backside toward Tom. She scanned the barcodes on my folder and wrist band. But I didn’t pay much attention to her, since my mind was still preoccupied with the exam that I was about to receive. I knew that they would have me turn around and remove my jock. Then the doctor would examine my penis and testicles before doing the hernia exam. Then he would move behind me as I bent over in front of him. Having watched Mike’s exam, I knew exactly how this would be done. I was prepared and I fully knew what to expect.

"Turn around please," ordered the assistant.

Obeying her command, I turned around and faced Tom. He was smiling and generally enjoying my predicament. I waited for the order to remove my jockstrap and for the exam to begin. But things were different this time. The male doctor wasn’t preparing for my exam at all. Instead, he was talking with another doctor, a female one that had just arrived at this station. I assumed that she was a doctor since she was wearing a white doctor’s coat and not the blue and white uniform worn by all of the student volunteers.

I stood there facing Tom and watched as the two doctors conversed. The male doctor now gathered up his personal belongings and walked toward me, apparently preparing to leave instead of beginning my exam.

"Sorry for the delay, son," the doctor said to me, "but I have another appointment today at 11 and arranged for Doctor Wilson to take my place here. But don’t worry; you’ll be in good hands. I’ve worked with her before and she has very capable hands."

Maybe I just imagined it, but the male doctor briefly looked down toward my groin and grinned as he spoke, as if he was laughing at his own terrible joke. I didn’t respond as he left the station and walked toward the gym exit. But capable hands or not, it seemed that in just a few minutes, the most private parts of my male anatomy would be held by this woman’s hands.

The new female doctor now approached the assistant, introduced herself and retrieved my folder. The female assistant also handed her a stack of other paperwork and began to review the paperwork and the exam procedures with her. She seemed to be showing the doctor the areas of my exam form that needed to be covered by this station and the school’s instructions for this exam. It looked like the doctor had several pages of instructions to review. But she now took a break from reading the forms to address me.

"Hello, Jim," the doctor said, reading my name from the manila folder, "as you can see, I just arrived, so just relax for a minute or so while I get up to speed. I need to review the school’s exam requirements and sign a few disclosure forms before I’m allowed to begin."

I watched as the doctor stood a few feet to my right and reviewed the paperwork. I was still facing Tom who was smiling and seemed to be enjoying this sudden change in the procedures. But in spite of the good doctor’s request, I wasn’t relaxed. To the contrary, I was suddenly struck with a feeling of intense dread, knowing that everything had now changed. I had intently watched Mike’s exam, mentally recording what the male doctor did and how he did it. I was mentally prepared to receive that exam. How would this one be different? Would this new female doctor do things differently? Would she do a more cursory exam, perhaps skipping parts of the exam? Or would it be even more invasive than the exam that the male doctor performed? With this change in doctors, I had no idea what to expect. I was in uncharted territory and it was making me really nervous.

The extended wait was adding to my nervousness and apprehension. And even though I was still wearing my jockstrap, I was the center of attention at this station and felt exposed and on display. I was standing with my arms at my sides, trying to act relaxed. I briefly thought about moving my hands in front of me to cover myself. But I decided against that. There really wasn’t any reason to cover up since I would soon be completely nude regardless of what I did.

The doctor was still making her way through the paperwork but once again turned her attention to me.

"Almost finished," she said, "I have one more form to complete, but you can get ready and in position for your exam."

I assumed that she wanted me to undress, but she didn’t really say that. Should I just pull down my jockstrap? Should I remove it? And what position was she talking about? I’ve never seen her do this exam before, so how was I supposed to know what she wanted? I just stood there frozen, not knowing exactly what to do. I looked over at the female assistant, but she wasn’t issuing any instructions to me. It seemed that she wasn’t entirely sure what the doctor wanted either.

A minute went by, or maybe it was just a few seconds, I’m not sure. But then the doctor looked directly at me, made eye contact and spoke again.

"Strip!" she commanded.

From the tone of her voice, I knew that she was annoyed with me for not complying with her previous request. I sprang into action, hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my jockstrap and pulled it down my body. As I did so, I felt my semi-aroused cock spring free from the confines of my jock. When my hands reached the ground, I stepped out of the jockstrap and picked it up. By the time I stood up, the female assistant had moved next to me and was holding out her hand.

"I’ll take that," she said to me with a smile.

I held my jockstrap up by the wide waistband and handed it to her. In doing so, I was careful to avoid any contact between her hand and the pouch and rear straps. From watching her before, I knew that she seemed hesitant to touch any of the more intimate parts of the jock, so I respected that. I instinctively moved my hands in front of my groin to cover up. I knew that I’d have to uncover myself during the exam, but it just felt wrong to stand there completely uncovered.

For now, I avoided any eye contact with Tom. I was more interested in what the doctor was doing. She was still standing to my right and looked like she was finally finished with her paperwork. And she was staring directly at me.

"Now you need to get into position," she said. "Raise your arms; put the palms of your hands behind your head."

Reluctantly, I uncovered my manhood and raised my hands into position behind my head. Once into position, I looked over at the doctor who was glaring back at me.

"Feet apart," she ordered.

Obeying her order, I shuffled my feet apart.

"Wider," she commanded.

I moved my feet even wider apart, planting them a little more than shoulder-width apart.

"Good," continued the doctor, "don’t move until I say so."
The doctor now turned toward the female assistant and directly addressed her.

"Look at his position," said the doctor. "To prep each student, have him strip and then position him exactly like this. Understand?"

"Yes, of course, doctor," the assistant answered.

"This may be different than how you were doing things at this station," explained the doctor, "but this is how I do things."

"Yes, of course, doctor," answered the assistant, "I’ll make sure they’re all stripped and positioned for you." After answering the doctor, the female assistant looked directly at me and grinned.

Of course, I had to stand there while the doctor and her assistant were discussing the embarrassing position that I was in. I was totally exposed to anyone that cared to watch. And at that moment, I felt like the entire gym was watching and that I was the center of attention. My feet were spread widely apart and my hands were behind my head, preventing me from any attempt to cover myself. I looked straight ahead at Tom. As usual, he was smiling back at me. And I noticed that his left hand was rubbing the front of his jock. It seemed that Tom was enjoying the show that I was putting on for him. Whether that was a conscious decision on his part or not, I’ll never know.

The female doctor now sat down on a small rolling stool and moved directly in front of me. She was at eye-level with my exposed genitals and was looking straight ahead at them.

"You see Jim," she said as she looked up at me, "Until just recently, I was a civilian physician with the armed forces, working at several of their entrance processing centers." As she was speaking, she began to pull on a pair of exam gloves. "For over ten years I performed thousands of exams on young men just like you. Of course, that included their genital exam. One thing that all of the doctors quickly learned was that young men just like you instinctively try to cover themselves when they are in a situation like this. And when that happens, it slows us down and makes it more difficult to complete the exam. We found that this position works best to keep their hands out of the way."

I didn’t know why she was wasting time telling me all of this. I would have preferred that she just get on with the exam. I was eager to be done with this station.

"So, let’s begin," said the doctor.

As she spoke, she rolled closer to me and reached up between my parted legs. Using both of her hands, she gently grabbed both of my testicles and began to lift them, as if she was weighing and comparing them. It felt like the skin of my scrotum was loose and relaxed and that my testicles were hanging very low and freely dangling from between my legs. They usually aren’t that loose, but they may have been sufficiently heated by their confinement in my jockstrap all morning.

Having compared my balls to each other, she now used both of her hands to squeeze and palpate my left one, lifting it forward and away from my body as she did so. As she did, I noticed that the female assistant moved forward and took a position in front of me and to my left. She was looking down toward my groin and intently watching my exam. The doctor now switched to my right testicle, repeating the same type of exam on it.

Having completed my testicular exam, she turned her attention to my penis. She lifted it with her left hand and palpated it with her right. It was long and plump and engorged with blood, but, thank God, it wasn’t completely erect. She examined and palpated the entire length of my shaft and even squeezed my head to look into my pee hole.

As the doctor was holding my manhood, one of the female volunteers walked past me. She was shuttling the manila folder of another patient to this station. I noticed that as she walked past me she looked down at my groin and smiled. I wondered just how many times she had done that today. How many times had she timed her walk just right so that she was able to see the exams at this station.

The doctor now prepared for my hernia exam by pushing her right index finger deep into my groin, just above my left testicle.

"Cough," she ordered.

I obeyed by giving her my strongest cough.

"Again," she commanded.

I repeated the cough, trying to satisfy her to avoid a third cough. Each time I coughed, I felt her finger press deeper and harder into me. It was painful, probably the most painful and uncomfortable hernia exam I’ve ever had. She was pressing and lifting so hard that I might have lost my balance, except for the fact that my feet were planted so far apart. Satisfied with my left side, she repeated the hernia exam with two coughs on my right side.

"Turn around, bend over, spread’em," she ordered!

"What?" I asked. I know what I thought I heard, but I was hoping that I misunderstood her instructions.

"I guess you can’t handle more than one instruction at a time," she replied. "I’m done with your front side, so turn around and face away from me."

I turned 180 degrees and faced away from her, lowering my hands to my sides as I did so.

"Feet apart," she ordered.

I shuffled my feet a few feet apart, about shoulder-width apart.

"Now bend over at the waist," she ordered.

I complied by bending over, mooning the doctor, the female assistant, the female folder runner (who was still there), Tom and anyone else that was watching.

"Now reach back with both of your hands and spread your cheeks apart."

That’s the part of her original order that I hoped I had imagined. But I complied, since I really didn’t have a choice in the matter. I reached back with both of hands, grabbed my butt cheeks and pulled them apart. In doing so, I exposed the most embarrassing and intimate part of my anatomy to the audience that was behind me.

While I held this embarrassing position, the doctor once again addressed the female assistant.

"From now on, as soon as I finish with their hernia exam, you need to get them into this position," said the doctor.

"Yes, doctor, of course," replied the assistant.

I heard a click as the doctor turned on a small flashlight, and then felt her hand on my lower back. From between my parted legs, I could see that she was still sitting on the rolling stool behind me and was shining the light between my spread cheeks. I didn’t feel her touch me in any other way; her examination was only visual.

"I forgot to check the form," said the doctor to the assistant. "Do you require a rectal?"

"No, doctor, just a visual inspection is all that’s required," the assistant replied.

"Alright then, Jim, you can stand up."

I immediately released the grip I had on my butt cheeks, stood up and turned around. As I turned around to face to doctor, I saw that she was peeling off her exam gloves.

"You’re all done, Jim," said the doctor.

The female assistant handed me the jockstrap which she had been holding. I quickly stepped into it and pulled it up between my legs. As I was covering up, the doctor handed her my manila folder.

"You can go back to the locker room and…" the assistant stopped herself in mid-sentence after seeing the bright green label on the front of my folder. "Wait, hang on a minute," she said.

I felt like running to the locker room and escaping before she realized that I was in the study, but I figured they would find me. As I watched, the assistant opened my folder to confirm that I was selected for the development study.

"You’re in the development study today," she said, "so you’re not done yet. Someone should be here to escort you to the study area; just wait here."

"I’ll go and tell them that they have a patient," said the female folder runner. As I watched, she turned and quickly walked in the direction of the study room.

"Let’s get the next patient started," ordered the doctor, "we’re wasting time."

"Yes, of course doctor," replied the assistant. "Next."

Tom walked forward to allow the assistant to scan the barcode on his wrist followed by his folder. It was beginning to look like I might see part of Tom’s exam before I had to leave.

"Remove your jockstrap, please," ordered the assistant.

Tom faced the line that he just left and hooked his fingers in the waistband of his jock. I took a position to his left, standing next to the female assistant. I obviously didn’t want to get in her way, but as long as I was there, I wanted to see what Tom had been packing in his jock all morning. As I watched, Tom peeled down his jockstrap, releasing his erect cock. And it was a cock, not an ordinary penis. There just wasn’t any better word to describe it. He bent over to step out of his jock and then handed it to the assistant. His cock was long, easily twice as long as mine, and thick, almost the diameter of a soft drink can. Like me he was circumcised, and his exposed head had a purplish color due to the abundance of blood in the area. It was initially pointing downward, since that’s how it was positioned within his jock. But once it was released, it quickly settled on a perfect 90 degree angle, protruding straight out from Tom’s body, as if it was ready to impale someone.

"Feet apart, please," said the assistant.

Tom moved his feet apart and waited for the next set of instructions.

"Hands behind your head," ordered the assistant.

Tom lifted his hands into position, moving them as far as possible from his genitals. Unlike me, he hadn’t made any attempt at covering himself up, so there really wasn’t a need to move his hands out of the way.

As the doctor positioned herself in front of Tom, I turned to see if anyone was coming for me. I saw Ashley coming out of the side room where I had seen her and Beth earlier. And she was walking in my direction. It looked like I probably had less than a minute before she would reach my station.

I turned back in time to see the doctor rolling closer to Tom as she pulled on a pair of exam gloves.

"My, you’re a big boy," she said.

"Thank you," replied Tom. The female assistant at the station laughed at his comment.

The doctor now began her exam by reached up between Tom’s parted legs, lifting and weighing his testicles with both hands, just as she had with me. But in Tom’s case, his scrotum seemed to be pulled up tight, probably due to his level of arousal.

{*Part Nine: The Growth Study*}

Just then, Ashley arrived at the station and retrieved my folder from the assistant. She walked right past me, not acknowledging that she knew me in any way. Perhaps she didn’t recognize me. After all, I only just met her the night before and then I was fully clothed. I saw her open my folder to confirm that I was, indeed, selected for the study. Only after confirming that and reading my name on the folder did she turn to look at me.

"Jim Johnson," Ashley said quietly, as if she was talking to herself. "Jim Johnson?" she repeated. "Jim, it’s you," she said turning toward me.

"Yes, Ashley, it’s me," I replied.

"Sorry, I didn’t recognize you, Jim," she said.

"That’s understandable considering how I’m dressed - or not," I replied.

I watched as her eyes quickly looked down toward my jockstrap, then just as quickly looked back up to make eye contact with me. Ashley was clearly embarrassed that I caught her looking at me, and appeared to be blushing.

"Well, follow me to the study area," she said.

She turned and started walking toward the study area with me walking closely beside her. As I left the station, I turned to take one last look at Tom’s exam. The doctor was now holding his erect cock in her hand and palpating it. Tom saw that I was looking in his direction, and gave me one last smile.

It was actually a short walk to the study area, but the awkward situation that we were in made it feel like it took an eternity. She was silent during most of our walk, as was I. My thoughts were about the study that I was about to participate in. Would it be embarrassing or uncomfortable for me? Probably, since everything else today had been. And making it worse was the fact that someone I knew, namely Beth and Ashley, would be conducting the study. I was already embarrassed having Ashley see me unclothed like this, but soon Beth, my girlfriend’s older sister, and someone that I’ve known all my life, would see me as well.

As we neared the entrance to the study room, she finally spoke.

"I need to prepare you for another surprise," she said, "Beth is here too. We’re both here together conducting this study."

"I know," I replied, "I saw both of you walking around earlier."

"Oh, well then I guess you don’t really mind it," she said.

"I didn’t say that I was OK with it," I replied, "just that I already knew about it."

We arrived at the side office where they were conducting the study. The office had a door which Ashley opened. She moved to one side, motioning for me to walk in first.

"Go right in," she instructed.

As I entered the room, I saw Beth standing next to an exam table on the right side of the room. When she heard us enter, she immediately turned to look in our direction, probably eager to find out who her next subject would be.

"Jim," shouted Beth, "what are you doing here?" She seemed genuinely shocked to see me.

"He’s actually our next volunteer for the study," replied Ashley as she followed me into the room. As she entered, she closed the door behind her.

"I don’t think I’d call myself a volunteer," I said, "but yes, I’m in the study." As I answered I walked in further toward the center of the room.

"Ashley and I were just saying that we haven’t seen you today," said Beth. "Since you said you’d be here, we figured that we might run into you sometime. But we never thought that you would volunteer for this study! How did that happen?"

"Well, I didn’t consciously want to volunteer," I replied, "but I accidently signed some consent forms, and well, as you can see, the rest is history. When I found out about it, I tried to get out of it, but they wouldn’t let me."

"Yes, that’s right," said Ashley, "they made it very clear to us that once someone is chosen for the study, they can’t back out for any reason. It’s supposed to be a completely random study and they don’t want people to back out; that would mess up the statistical accuracy and randomness of the study." As she was speaking, Ashley walked in front of me and stood next to Beth.

"I don’t suppose you two would let me off the hook on this study, would you?" I pleaded.

"I’m sorry, Jim," answered Beth, "I wish we could, honestly I do, but we just can’t. Ashley and I would get into a lot of trouble if anyone found out. They already have you on the list for the study and if we don’t capture all of the required study data, they’ll know about it."

"Beth, I have to ask, why didn’t you tell me that the physicals were done like this? I mean, you could have warned me that I’d be walking around in just this jockstrap all morning." I raised my arms to my sides as if to say "look at what they made me wear."

"Honestly, Jim," Beth replied, "I’m sorry, but I had no idea. I absolutely would have told you if I knew. But like I said, this is the first year that Ashley and I have volunteered to help and I had no idea that this is how they examine you guys. I did hear some random talk from a couple of the older girls that helped last year, but I didn’t really pay much attention to it." Beth tried to look me straight in the eyes as she spoke, but I saw that her eyes wandered and made their way down toward my crotch.

"I didn’t know either, Jim," said Ashley, "In fact, Beth and I were both shocked when we saw the first few guys enter the gym. We certainly weren’t prepared for what we saw! I think both of us felt really embarrassed to even be here, seeing you guys like that. So, I’m sorry too. But look on the bright side, you look like you survived the ordeal." As she spoke, her smile widened into a broad grin.

"Yes, at least you’re done with the actual physical," added Beth. "And I know that you’re not really much of a jock, but I have to admit that you actually look very, um - fit in yours."

"I think so too," added Ashley. "And now that I’ve gotten over the initial shock, I actually think the way they do the exams is kind of hot, with all of you guys stripped down like that!"

"Stop it, you two," I replied, "it’s bad enough walking around like this in front of total strangers, but it’s even more embarrassing in front of someone that you know, like you two."

"I’m sorry," Beth replied, "I didn’t mean anything by it. I realize this is terribly embarrassing for you; it’s awkward for us too."

There was a brief pause in the conversation during which the three of us just stood there, awkwardly staring at each other; the two young ladies in their dark blue polo shirts and tight white shorts, and me in just my jockstrap.

"In any case," continued Beth, "we need to get started so you can get out of here and get dressed again. Let’s take a look at your paperwork."

Ashley placed the manila folder containing all of my forms on the exam table, scanned the barcode and then opened it.

"We better make this official," she said as she lifted my arm and scanned the barcode on my wrist band.

As the two of them reviewed my paperwork, I took the opportunity to look around the room. The right side of the room had the exam table where the two of them were standing. It looked like a fresh sheet of crinkly paper had just been spread across the top of the table. On the left side of the room was a tripod-mounted camera aimed at a large background that had been setup against the wall. The background was neutral in color but had vertical and horizontal marks that measured feet and inches. And there were pole-mounted lights that were positioned on both sides of the camera. So it looked like I was about to be photographed and measured as part of this study. What I didn’t know was why they needed an exam table since I thought my physical exam was complete. I didn’t really want to think about that right now.

"So, Jim," said Ashley, "let me explain how this study works because it’s actually pretty simple. There are just a couple of different things that we have to do, but most of this study involves measurements of one kind or another. We’ll start by getting some general body measurements, and then move on to a few specialized things. As you can see, we’ve got a camera setup because we’ll need to snap some photos of you to document the findings for the study. Make sense?"

"Sure, I suppose so," I replied. I was impressed with how businesslike Ashley was in her description of the study. She seemed like an experienced nurse that was taking command, and not just another student that was just slightly older than me.

{*Part Ten: The Photos*}

"OK, then we’ll start with a set of photos," she said. "Stand over here in front of this background."

All three of us walked toward the camera side of the room. Ashley and I walked to the background where she showed me where to stand. In the meantime, Beth wrote a number from my folder on a small marker board. She then positioned the board on the floor against the background so it would be in the photos. I assumed the number was used to uniquely identify me when someone later reviewed the photos.

"Now, stand right here, as close as you can to the background," instructed Ashley, "otherwise, the measurements in the photo will be slightly off."

I stood in front of the background, facing forward toward the camera. Ashley made small adjustments to my position, centering me within the hash marks on the background. Once she was satisfied that everything looked correct, she moved away to get out of the shot. At the same time, Beth took her place behind the lens of the camera.

"Now, Jim," continued Ashley, "We need to take photos of you from all sides; front, back and each side. And we’ll need you to assume a few different positions. So always stay in your current position until we direct you to move, OK?"
"Sure," I answered.

"We’ll start with you facing forward as you are now," said Ashley. "Stand up straight, feet together and place your arms at your sides."

The strobes flashed as Beth took the first photo.

"Now, stay facing forward," said Ashley, "but hold your arms straight out on your left and right sides. We need them held out 90 degrees, perpendicular from your body."

I raised my arms as instructed.

"Good, and separate your feet," she added, "placing them on the red marks we have on the floor."

I looked down to see two red pieces of tape on the floor that looked like they were slightly more than 3 feet apart. I moved my feet into position, covering each piece of tape in the process. With my feet parted, I felt slightly more exposed than before.

"Now, look back up toward the camera," Ashley ordered.

The lights flashed once again.

"Good," said Ashley, "just one more facing forward. Keep your feet exactly where they are, but place your hands behind your head."

I raised my hands and placed my palms flat against the back of my head. I was now in the same position that the doctor required for my genital exam just a few short minutes ago. The only difference was that this time, I kept my jock on to retain some small bit of modesty.

The lights flashed again.

"Now, arms back down at your sides and a quarter turn to your right," she ordered.

Beth quickly snapped the photo.

"OK, now another quarter turn to your right so your back is toward us," said Ashley.

I rotated once again, this time providing them with a full view of my bare, jock-strapped ass. Other than when Ashley followed me into the room, this was the first time my backside was exposed to them. Facing them was bad enough, but facing away from them with my bare ass on display somehow felt worse.

"We’ll repeat the same three positions," said Ashley, "starting with your arms at your sides."

I placed my arms at my sides and Beth quickly snapped the photo.

"Now feet apart and arms at 90 degrees again."

I once again placed my feet on the red marks and raised my arms to my sides. As I parted my legs, I felt like my butt cheeks were separating, exposing even more of my body to them. That probably wasn’t the case, but the position just made me feel that way. The strobes flashed once more as Beth took the photo.

"And finally, feet apart and hands behind your head."

I moved into the final position and the lights flashed again.

"Now another quarter turn to your right with your arms at your sides."

Once more the lights flashed.

"Alright, Jim, that’s it for the first set of photos," said Beth. As she was talking, she left the camera and walked toward the center of the room. "Stand right here so we can record your measurements."

{*Part Eleven: The Measurements*}

As I walked toward Beth, I made a mental note that she said “first set of photos”. I wasn’t sure why they would possibly need more photos, but I figured that I’d find out sooner or later. I also wondered what type of measurements they needed. After all, they already recorded my height and weight during the physical. Ashley retrieved a cloth tape measure and my manila folder of paperwork and was now standing next to Beth in the center of the room.

"Now Jim," continued Beth, "for this part you just need to stand still while we record a few measurements. Just keep your arms at your sides for now."

"Sure," I replied, "whatever it takes to hurry this along."

Beth now began a series of measurements, starting at the top of my head and methodically working her way down my body. She started by measuring the diameter of my head, wrapping the cloth tape around my skull at the point just above my eyes. As Beth read the measurement, Ashley recorded it in my study paperwork. Beth then measured the diameter of my neck and then stretched the cloth tape across my back to measure the width of my shoulders. The measurements continued down my body with my left arm, first measuring the length from my shoulder to my elbow, and then from my elbow to the tip of my middle finger. She repeated the measurements with my right arm. It seemed as if they were going to methodically measure every last part of my body!

"Arms up, please," Beth now commanded, "out to your sides."

I raised both of my arms and held them out perpendicular to my body to my left and right sides. As I did so, Beth positioned herself directly in front of me, moving close enough to my body to wrap her arms around my back. Her breasts momentarily pressed against my bare chest as she passed the cloth measuring tape behind me. She was fully dressed, but the contact was nevertheless quite awkward, and she acknowledged this with a smile. She now pulled the two ends of the tape over the front of my body, measuring my chest at my nipples.

"Take a deep breath and hold it now," Beth commanded.

I inhaled deeply, expanding my chest to its full capacity. After recording my chest at full inspiration, it was time to record the opposite extreme.

"Now blow it out completely," she said.

I exhaled, pushing out as much air as possible to allow her to measure my chest at full expiration. Once that was recorded, she lowered the measuring tape down to my natural waist, directly over my navel. I started to lower my arms since it didn’t seem like it was really necessary to keep them up anymore.

"No," commanded Beth, "I still need your arms out of the way."

"Here, Jim, let me help you," chimed in Ashley. "Just rest your hands on top of your head like this." As she spoke, she lifted both of my hands and moved them into position on the top of my head. "There, isn’t that better?" she asked.

"Not really for me, but if it helps you, I suppose so," I said in reply.

Beth now completed her measurement of my waist, holding the two ends of the tape directly over my navel. Continuing her movement down my body, it was now time to measure my hips.

"Feet together, Jim," Beth commanded.

As I positioned my feet together, Beth slid the measuring tape further down my body, stopping at my hips. As she did, I could feel the tape rubbing against my bare, jock strapped ass. She started to pull the two ends of the tape together to record my measurement, but one end slipped from her fingers, sending it dropping to the ground and away from my body.

"Oops, sorry," she said, "we’ll have to try that one again."

Beth now smiled and approached me again with the two ends of the tape in her right hand. She threaded the cloth tape behind me just as she did before. But this time it was level with my hips rather than my chest, allowing her fingers to brush against the rear strap of my jock. I then felt her fingers make contact with my bare ass, briefly touching my crack as she passed the tape behind me to her left hand. She now pulled the two ends of the tape to the front of my body, positioning the ends directly over the pouch of my jockstrap. As she pulled the tape tighter against my body, I could feel the back of her fingers pressing against the pouch that was holding my manhood. To say this was awkward barely begins to describe it. After giving Ashley my hip measurement, Beth paused for a brief moment.

"I’ve got to do your thighs and legs now, so I need you to spread your legs apart," she commanded. "And you can lower your arms now."

As I repositioned my legs once more and lowered my arms, Beth knelt down directly in front of me. Just as I looked down at her, she happened to look up, and we made eye contact. I felt the need to say something, but I wasn’t sure exactly what to say. So I simply smiled at her - and she smiled back. I don’t know if it was her smile, the fact that she was kneeling in front of me, or the close proximity of her face to my genitals - but at that moment, I felt my penis beginning to stir within the confines of my jockstrap.

Beth now continued the full measurement of my body with my left leg. She slipped the measuring tape around my leg, pulling it up as far as possible around the widest part of my thigh. In doing so, her fingers once again brushed against my pouch. After calling out my measurement to Ashley, she slid the tape all the way down, recording the diameter of my ankle. Next, she recorded the length of my inseam, holding one end of the tape at the floor and the other end firmly held at what can only be described as my crotch. Once again, contact was made between her fingers and my jockstrap, in this case the bottom of the pouch that was tightly holding my scrotum. She finished with my left leg by recording the length from my hip to my knee, and then from my knee to my ankle.

During this series of measurements, Ashley was still out of view and behind me. She now moved to my left side and watched as Beth repeated the same thigh and leg measurements on my right side. This time I didn’t want to watch as she measured my leg. I was starting to feel aroused from her contact and didn’t feel like I really wanted the added visual stimulation. Instead, I turned to look at Ashley who was dutifully recording the measurements from Beth. Our eyes met and she briefly smiled at me before looking back in Beth’s direction. But I continued to look at Ashley, wondering if she was getting as aroused as I was by all of this. Just then, I felt Beth’s fingers make contact with me again. I felt a strange mix of excitement and embarrassment, knowing that Ashley was really just the audience at this point, watching Beth as she touched and measured me in a very intimate way. Having finished her measurements, Beth now stood up.

"OK, that does it for the general body measurements," said Beth. "Your turn Ashley."

"We need to record a few skin fold measurements now, Jim" said Ashley. "You’re fine standing there just as you are."

Ashley now handed Beth my paperwork and approached me with a set of calipers. She started by pinching the skin on the back of my right arm with the calipers and announced the measurement from my triceps area for Beth to record. I then felt her pinch the skin on the right side of my upper back as she announced this as the subscapular measurement. She then recorded the measurement of the skin around my biceps in the same way.

"Arms on top of your head, please," Ashley ordered.

After I moved my arms out of the way, she used the calipers to measure the skin on the right side of my abdomen, followed by the skin on the right side of my chest. Ashley now knelt down in front of me and recorded the skin fold measurement of my right thigh followed by my calf.

"Now for your left side," she said. She now repeated all of the same measurements on the left side of my body.

{*Part Twelve: Stripped Again*}

"That does it for the skin fold measurements," announced Ashley as she turned toward Beth. "Is there anything else we can do before we move on to the second set of photos?"

Beth looked through my study paperwork, reviewing the list of measurements that they were required to record.

"No, everything else has clothing restrictions, so we can go ahead and do the photos now," answered Beth.

"What do you mean clothing restrictions?" I asked. "Does that mean I can get dressed now before you continue?"

"Um, no, not exactly, Jim," answered Ashley with a laugh. "That’s just the language that they use in the study instructions. Sometimes the study guide is a little too formal and clinical in the way it describes things. It actually means just the opposite."

"Jim, it means that the test subject is restricted from wearing clothing," announced Beth, "- any clothing."

"That’s right," added Ashley, "your jockstrap has to come off now!"

"Aw, hell, no," I say in protest. "I already had to do that once today, and I’m not about to strip completely in front of you two." As I spoke I felt a sudden twinge of movement within my jock.

"I’m sorry, Jim" said Beth, "but we don’t have a choice and neither do you. You volunteered for the study and you have to finish it, otherwise the administrators around here won’t be happy at all - with us or you. And Ashley and I already did everything that we could to make this easier on you. To be honest, we usually make the test subjects strip down completely immediately following the first set of photos. You should be happy that we allowed you to stay covered up for this long."

"But Beth, I know both of you - doesn’t that make a difference? It would be really awkward to take everything off in front of you. It just feels wrong. I don’t feel I should have to do that."

"I totally understand, Jim," said Ashley, "but we really have to do this. Don’t worry, it will be alright. Here, let me help you." As she spoke, she knelt down directly in front of me and grabbed the waistband of my jockstrap with both of her hands. She now looked up and smiled confidently at me. Without any other warning, she pulled the waistband away from my body before slowly and carefully pulling my jockstrap down to my ankles.

I was taken by surprise by her actions, but it seemed that there was nothing I could do about it. As she peeled the jock from my body, I positioned both of my hands in front of my groin in a vain attempt at modesty.

"Step out, please," commanded Ashley. One at a time, I lifted my feet out from the jockstrap that was now around my ankles. Once my feet were free from the strap, Ashley picked it up and stood up with it.

"There, much better," she said holding my jockstrap. "You won’t need this anymore until it’s time to leave." She walked toward the door and hung my strap on a hook next to it.

"And Jim, just to be crystal clear," said Beth, "I know you don’t like this, but you will need to uncover yourself, otherwise we can’t finish the study. So you might just as well get comfortable with the idea that Ashley and I will see you. And that means all of you."

As angry as I was with this whole situation, at that moment I realized that Beth was right. There was no way to get through this without being seen by these two young women. Reluctantly, I moved my hands to my sides and allowed them to view my male anatomy. The two of them didn’t say anything to me. But they both took a quick peek down at my genitals before looking up at me and smiling. Remarkably, I was still flaccid.

"Alright then, let’s get on with the next set of photos," said Beth.

"I don’t understand why you need another set of photos," I protested, "especially like this."

"Well, what they’ve told us is that the nude photos we’re about to take are the ones that they actually use during the study," answered Ashley. "The more modest, censored ones with your jockstrap are taken in case they need to release some of the study materials to the public."

The thought of someone looking at semi-nude photos of me wearing just a jockstrap suddenly flashed through my mind. But then I thought about the horror of a group of professors and students peering over the nude photos that they were about to take. I suddenly had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I realized just how embarrassing my situation was becoming.

They now instructed me to take my position against the background again. And once again I started by facing the camera with my feet together and my arms at my sides.

"And Jim," said Beth as she moved behind the camera, "just relax and um, try not to get too excited, if you know what I mean. They don’t want any arousal photos for the study."

Great, I thought to myself, now I’m being warned not to get hard. As if I had any control over that. Having these photos taken in a jockstrap was bad enough. But this time it was different. I was now completely uncovered and totally nude. Everything that identified my body as male was now freely dangling between my legs and exposed for the camera to record. I wondered who would see the photos. I didn’t think about this before when I was still wearing my strap. But now that I was totally nude, I thought about the people that would be viewing these nude photos. Would it be limited to a very small group, perhaps just the professor and a few carefully chosen student assistants? Or would a much wider audience have the opportunity to see my nakedness, perhaps even other students that I know? Would they pass judgment on me based on the size and appearance of my genitals? Would I become the object of scorn and ridicule, or praise and admiration? Would I become the subject of a cruel locker room joke, or the envy of lesser men?

The lights flashed and just as they did with the first set of photos, I was instructed to hold my arms up and away from my body to my left and right sides. Once again, the lights flashed and my nudity was recorded. Ashley now told me to place my feet on the red marks on the floor, spreading them apart in the process. Now with my legs spread, I felt more exposed than ever. After taking that photo, I was ordered to endure the final indignity while facing the camera, that of placing my hands behind my head. It was a uniquely embarrassing position to be in. With my hands behind my head, and my legs spread apart, it felt as if all attention was directed at my genitals. It was as if I was demanding that the viewer of the photo look at them and nothing else.

Ashley and Beth made quick work of the other photos. As I was ordered to do before, I rotated my body to the right in quarter turns, taking the same series of photos from both sides as well as with my back to the camera.K, Jim," ordered Ashley, "stand right here for me". She pointed back at the spot where they previously recorded my measurements.

As I took a few steps to the location, I noticed Ashley pulling several exam gloves from a box on the counter. She handed a pair of gloves to Beth and kept a pair for herself.

"It’s my turn, right?" asked Ashley.

"That’s right, he’s all yours," replied Beth with a laugh, "I did the last guy."

After handing Beth my folder of paperwork, Ashley rolled a small stool into place directly in front of me and sat down. I held my arms at my sides, giving her an unobstructed view of my genitals. At this point, I was still flaccid, but I was definitely aroused by this situation.

"Now, Jim," said Ashley, "as you might have already guessed, I’m going to examine your genitals now." As she spoke, she looked up into my eyes and began to pull the exam gloves onto both of her hands, finishing with a loud snap. "I know you’ve already been examined today, but for this study, we’re looking at different things. Basically, I’ll be recording measurements that will help determine your physical maturity level. That includes things like hair growth as well as the size of your testicles and penis."

"Yeah, I figured that," I said. "Let’s just get on with this." I looked at Beth and saw that she was also pulling on her pair of exam gloves.

"Alright, Jim," answered Ashley, "I’ll start with your hair."

As I stood before her, Ashley began to run her gloved fingers through my pubic hair. She started just below my waist and worked her way down. As she reached my penis, she gently lifted it up and away from my body, allowing her to determine the amount of hair growth that I had in that area. Next she turned her attention to my scrotum, brushing her fingers against the sides and bottom of it to gauge the hair growth.

"It looks like you trim your pubic hair," she said, "is that correct, Jim?"

"Yes, I do," I answered.

Ashley continued her inspection of my hair growth by examining the hair up and down the full length of my legs.

"I need your legs further apart, please," she commanded.

I shuffled my legs further apart to allow her fingers to move freely between them.

"Do you also trim your legs?" she asked.

"Yes, just a little bit when the hair gets too long," I answered.

After completing a thorough examination of the hair below my waist, Ashley now stood up. She momentarily looked at Beth who was busy jotting down notes in my chart. Without warning she now began to examine my chest hair. She brushed her fingers against my chest, moving them from side to side and down the center of my chest.
"Arms up and hands behind your head, please," Ashley commanded, "I need to check your underarm hair growth."

I raised my arms once again, this time locking my fingers behind my head. My elbows were now pointing straight out to my left and right. Ashley quickly brushed her fingers through the hair on my left arm pit before moving to my right side to perform a similar check.

"For the record, do you shave or otherwise trim your chest or underarm hair?"

"No, it’s all natural," I answered.

"So far his hair looks normal for a stage five," Ashley said to Beth. I looked at Beth as she nodded in agreement before making another note in my chart. Ashley now sat down on the stool in front of me again, and I started to lower my arms.

"No, just keep your hands behind your head for now, Jim," Beth commanded. "In that position they won’t get in the way and you won’t be tempted to try and cover yourself up. We’ve already seen a few guys today that made this next part of the exam more difficult by constantly trying to cover up."

Obeying Beth’s orders, I moved my hands back into position behind my head.

"OK, on to your genitals, now," said Ashley with a smile. "Jim, I know this may be difficult, but please just try to relax. This shouldn’t hurt at all. If it does, just let me know and I’ll try to be more careful."

I didn’t acknowledge her comments at all. I simply looked down at her and watched as she used both of her hands to grasp my penis. She lifted it up and away from my body with her left hand, and stretched the skin of my flaccid member with her right. As she lifted it up, she inspected it from all sides, including the underside which normally rests on my scrotum.

"Hey, you said you weren’t doing an actual exam," I said to her.

"I’m not, don’t worry," she replied. "We’re just supposed to take a quick look for any abnormalities before we record your measurements."

As she was speaking, Beth handed her the cloth measuring tape that they previously used on me. I watched as she used both hands to slip the measuring tape around the very base of my penis to record my circumference. I couldn’t believe that I was watching an attractive young woman measure me so intimately. I now felt Ashley pull the tape snugly around my penis. As she did so, Beth bent down closer to see the measurement, which she immediately recorded in my chart. Once this first measurement was recorded, Ashley loosened the tape and slid it up around the head of my penis. She once again pulled it snugly around my member and allowed Beth to record my circumference at the corona of my glans.

"You’re doing fine so far, Jim," Beth said to me. "Now, for the record, what state would you say your penis is currently in? Are you completely flaccid, fully erect, or something in between?"


Beth didn’t make any verbal response to my answer and I was busy watching Ashley as she handled my manhood. She now removed the tape from around my penis and held one end of it at the base and the other at the very tip of the head. Beth immediately recorded my flaccid length in my chart. Once this was recorded, Ashley once again took my penis in her left hand and gave it several firm tugs as if she was trying to lengthen it and eliminate all of the folds of skin.

"Hey, be careful," I cried.

"Sorry, Jim," said Ashley, "I didn’t mean to hurt you. We need to record your length after we stretch you just a bit."

She gave my member another firm tug or two, and then began to pull my penis in a straight line away from my body. I felt her hand tightly gripping me as she tried to pull the skin as tight as possible. Once she was satisfied that I was at my optimal flaccid length, she once again measured my length from the base to the tip.

"Almost done with this part, Jim," she said, "there’s just one more measurement we need right now. Can you please spread your legs just a little further apart for me?"

Without commenting on her request, I moved my feet even further apart.

"Good, that’s much better."

Ashley now ran the measuring tape under and behind my scrotum, bringing it up as far as it would go against my body. She pulled the tape up and around the base where my scrotum and penis all attached to my body. I felt her pull the tape very snugly this time, and then watched as Beth recorded the measurement.

"Alright, Jim," said Ashley, "that’s it for this first part. Now we need to measure your testicles."

"You’re kidding," I said in protest, "don’t you think I’ve been through enough already today?"

"I understand, Jim," replied Ashley, "I really do. But we have to finish what we started."

Without any other discussion, Ashley grabbed my left testicle and pulled it up and away from my body. She then tugged and pulled the scrotal skin around it in an attempt to loosen the skin and make it easier to measure. Once my left testicle was in her hand, she used the tape measure to record the circumference around its egg-shaped middle, and then to measure its length. As usual, Beth leaned over to observe the measurements and record them in my chart.

Once the initial measurements were made using the tape measure, Beth handed Ashley a set of plastic balls on a string. Ashley once again grabbed my left testicle and found the plastic ball that was closest in size and shape to it. She read the number on the plastic ball to Beth who recorded it.

Just then, the door to the room opened and a middle-aged women wearing a lab coat walked in. As she walked toward us, Ashley and Beth immediately stopped what they were doing.

"Hello girls," she said, "how are things going?"

"Oh, fine, Dr. Simmons," answered Beth, "what can we do for you?"

While they were engaging in pleasantries, I just stood there with my hands behind my head and my feet spread apart. Ashley was still sitting in front of me, waiting to begin the measurements of my right testicle.

"I just wanted to tell you girls that there aren’t any more study volunteers in the queue right now. You two might want to grab a quick snack or even an early lunch as soon as you’re finished with this one."

As she was speaking, this Dr. Simmons was looking directly at me, not at Ashley or Beth. And she wasn’t looking up at my face. Her gaze was downward toward my genitals.

"OK, we’ll both take a break after we finish with Jim here," replied Beth.

"Good. Well, that was all I needed to tell you," the doctor said as she looked in my direction.

"Jim, is it?" asked the doctor.

"Yes, ma’am," I answered.

"My, you’re a good looking subject, Jim, I’m very grateful that you volunteered for my study today," the doctor said. "Don’t you feel the same way girls?"

"Yes, of course, Dr. Simmons," replied Beth, "Jim has been an excellent subject today."

"Have you girls had any HSDP study candidates today?" asked the doctor.

"No doctor," replied Ashley, "we’ve only done the primary growth study so far."

"I see. Well, go ahead and carry on with your exam, girls," said the doctor. "You won’t mind if I observe for a few minutes. But don’t let me get in your way."

"Yes, of course, doctor," said Ashley.

Just great, I thought to myself. Now I have another woman as an audience while Ashley grabs and measures my balls. What else could happen today? And what’s this HSDP thing she’s talking about?

Ashley now began the same measurements on my right testicle. As she did before, she grabbed my testicle and pulled it up and away and then attempted to loosen the skin around it with a gentle tug.

"Oh, you can do better than that, Ashley," said the doctor. "Here, let me show you how that’s done."

The doctor now changed places with Ashley and sat down in front of me.

"You see girls, you’ll have better results if you first loosen the skin of the scrotum, like this." As she spoke, she grabbed the loose skin of my scrotum with her bare hands and forcefully pulled it straight down, stretching the skin as far as it would go.

"Ouch," I cried out, "that’s kind of rough."

"You’ll be fine, Jim," said the doctor. Taking the already loose skin in her bare hand, she now gave it a good tug, pulling the skin as well as my both of my testicles downward in the process.

"There, you’ll have a much easier time measuring him now," said the doctor as she grabbed both of my testicles and pulled them up and away from my body. "I know you girls are new to the program this year, but you don’t have to worry so much about hurting these boys, they can generally take it." The doctor now stood up and exchanged places with Ashley again.

Ashley now completed the measurement of my right testicle under the watchful eye of Dr. Simmons. As she held and measured me, I began to get aroused. I don’t know why exactly. Maybe it was the presence of another person in the room. Or maybe it was all of the rough stretching and tugging that she did and the touch of her bare hands on my genitals. Regardless of the reason, I could feel the warmth of my blood beginning to ever so slowly find its way to my penis. I felt myself starting to become engorged with blood and the beginning of an erection again. Just then Ashley looked up at me and smiled, acknowledging the now noticeable change in my penis. I looked up to see that Dr. Simmons was looking right at my face, and she was also smiling.

After Ashley finished my measurements and Beth recorded the results, Dr. Simmons took my chart from Beth. As I watched, she made several notes in it and then showed Beth and Ashley what she wrote.

"Girls, I think it’s time for you to do your first HSDP screening. I’ll expect to see the results for the secondary study in Jim’s chart. Carry on with your examination." With that, the good doctor turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"I guess she’s the one that runs this study," I said.

"Yes, she’s one of the lead professors on all of the studies," answered Beth.

"What did she mean?" I asked. "What’s this secondary study, HSDP thing she mentioned? And what did she write in my chart?"

"Here, I’ll show you what she wrote, it’s not a secret," said Beth as she opened my folder and pointed at the doctor’s notes.

I read what the doctor had written: Subject enrolled in HSDP phase IV due to arousal.

"I don’t understand, what’s HSDP phase IV?"

"She noticed that you’re getting hard, Jim," replied Beth, "and so she enrolled you in the latest phase of HSDP. It’s a secondary research study they’re conducting here - they’re in the fourth year of the study."

"And now that you’re also in that study, there are now additional steps that she’s expecting us to take with you," added Ashley.

"No, I don’t think so," I protested, "this one study is bad enough, and I’m not volunteering for any more."

"You already volunteered, Jim" said Ashley, "the original forms you signed allowed her to do this. It’s already a done deal, it’s in your chart. She’s now expecting us to perform the additional screening steps for this secondary study."

"And you’re telling me that I’m now suddenly in this second study just because I’m starting to get a little excited? What is HSDP anyway?"

"It stands for Human Sexual Development and Performance," answered Beth.

"Oh shit, I don’t think so, that sounds really bad."

"But, Jim," replied Ashley, "as we said, we really have no choice, and neither do you if you want to attend this school. As far as how bad it is, well, Beth and I reviewed the study materials this morning, just in case someone would be chosen for it. But you’ll actually be our very first subject!"

"Don’t get too worried about it, Jim" said Beth, "We’ll deal with it later. Right now we still need to finish the basic study." As she was speaking, Beth walked over to the door and locked it. "There, now we won’t have any more interruptions."

"Great, whatever, let’s just finish this already."