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Heineken boycots St.Patrick Parade in New York


Jun 26, 2013
Reaction score
Source: Erik Feenstra, gay blog

Beercompany Heineken withdrew as sponsor of St. Patrick Day Parade in New York because GAYS are not welcome there. Monday march 17 is St. Patrick Day, the most important feast of Irish people. Sinds many years there are feasts and parades in among other cities New York and Boston, where many people people live with Irish backgrounds. "Pink Irish"can not join as such, they can join if they stay "invissible".

The city counsil of New York already said not to join the parade because of this reason. With a 250 year tradition it is the oldest anual parade in the USA. Also the Boston Parade will have boycots: the Boston Beer Company (producer of Samuel Adams Beer) withdrew as sponsor of the Boston parade. Heineken will not sponsor the parade, that attrackts more then 1 million people, because Heineken believes "in equal rights for all people". A spokesman told to "Glaad", Glaad has bit critics to carcompany Ford that will keep continue to sponsor the parade.

Biermagnaat Heineken trekt zich terug als sponsor van de St Patrick’s Day Parade in New York, omdat homo’s er niet welkom zijn. Maandag 17 maart is het St Patrick’s Day, de belangrijkste feestdag voor de Ieren. Sinds jaar en dag zijn er feesten en parades in onder meer New York en Boston, waar veel Ierse afstammelingen wonen. Roze Ieren mogen niet ‘als zodanig’ meelopen: dat mogen ze alleen als ze ‘onzichtbaar’ blijven.

Het stadsbestuur van New York had al aangekondigd om die reden niet aan de parade deel te nemen. Met 250 jaar is het de oudste nog steeds bestaande jaarlijkse parade in de Verenigde Staten. Ook de parade van Boston krijgt met boycots te maken: de Boston Beer Company (maker van Samuel Adams Beer) heeft zich teruggetrokken van de Boston parade. Heineken doet niet mee aan de New Yorker parade die jaarlijks meer dan een miljoen toeschouwers trekt, omdat Heineken ‘gelooft in gelijkheid voor iedereen.’ Dat zei de firma tegen de Amerikaanse roze organisatie GLAAD, dat op haar felle kritiek uitte op de
autogigant Ford, omdat die het evenement wel blijft sponsoren.


Super Vip
Apr 3, 2011
Reaction score
Sam Adams withdrew it's sponsorship of the parade here in Boston after a downtown
gay bar stopped serving Sam Adams.
Our new mayor tried to broker a deal so that gays could march openly, but no deal. (He can't force it; there's a supreme court ruling about it). And the mayor, Marty Walsh, isn't marching.
Marty is as Irish American as they come. I didn't vote for him, but I'm starting to like him. His new chief of staff, by the way, is young and gay and pretty hot!

Happy Paddy's Day!
Last edited:


Junior Member
Feb 18, 2011
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Guinness just dropped out of the NYC parade as well. Don't know how long the parade will be able to deny equality. Guinness is one of the biggest sponsors (if not the biggest)


Jun 26, 2013
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That is great news that Guinness stopped the sponsoring too! I never drink beer, not to mention Guinness but a big cheers wth my vodka (relax it is Esbjerg Vodka= not Russian) tomato juice :)


Super Vip
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Why exactly are GLBT groupings not allowed to join?:?


Super Vip
Apr 3, 2011
Reaction score
Why exactly are GLBT groupings not allowed to join?:?

Why? Because the old men in charge of the New York and Boston parades are homophobic old men. These are private organizations. The issue went to the U S Supreme Court in the 1990s (95?). The ruling was that the Boston parade could exclude open gays as a free speech right.
It's also because they can. Old men can say FUCK YOU? That's what you get.

This will resolve itself. Southie (South Boston) was the Irish working class part of the city. The parade is there. Southie now? Young, post college. Condo conversion everywhere. It's as gay as the rest of the city.

The grumpy old men will fade away. It's a fun time, by the way. Come and visit on Paddy's day.


Super Vip
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Funny how in Dublin, Ireland, the gays can march openly - the bigoted old me who claim to represent the "Irish community" in NYC is totally out of step with the culture they like to claim as their own (despite most of them never having set foot on the island of Ireland). Lovers of equality around the world will be delighted to hear that in Ireland, the NYC parade's homophobia is mocked derisively by the actual Irish.
